International  Event

Invitation from the Alps - KNUANI in Europe

Swiss Fantoche Animation Festival

September 11-16, 2007


<Korean National University of Arts> Animation Major was invited to the <Animation School Presentation> of the Swiss Fantoche nimation Festival. The Swiss Fantoche Animation Festival is the largest nimation project in swiss ,that has been formally confirmed by the SIFA. The festival takes place in a small village called Baden and it is in its 6th biennial event.


the Fantoche placard on Baden station


there is a sign on every street


The small makeshift headquarters is made in the city park. I was able to meet various students ,professors, directors all over europe. Shuwis Gable from NFBC told me that the Fantoche has a nak of selecting good work.

The opening was held in four theaters in the city. As a opening film there was an impressive movie of a man with a real face and hand drawn body. And just like that the European Festival began. I seemed to be the only asian guest along with a japanese director who made "Midori".


The middle of the small village Baden.


<next to the headquarters>


the four theaters of the town where the festival began.


The School Introduction was held in a small theater called Kino Orient.

It was a very small theater, only able to sustain 7-80 people. For there wouldn't be much to see in school intros for the festival audience.

Each school was to present itself in two hours , one school a day and four days to finish. About one and a half hours of screening 20 minutes of school introduction and general Question and Answers.

I presented our school of its young passion ,wonderful results in festivals and of our productive school programs.

The moderator was professor Ralf, of the only animation school in swiss called The Lucerne School of Art and Design.


preparing for the school presentation


a short screening of films and school presentation.

About 30people watching.


The films that were screened were <a walk in the rain> <let's eat> <watermelon chicks> <enter the school> <muscle man> <dream monster>


The Question and Answer part after the presentation.


A Cuban illustrator was interested in entering our school, he said that learning korean is a pleasure to him.

The person next to him is the former president of ASIFA


The Question and Answer was mostly about school administration and exchange programs. The other schools which participated in the presentation exchanged DVDs

and promised further interchanges. A Cuban illustrator was interested in entering our school and the former president of ASIFA showed interest in the school and wished for more contact.

And the author of <2D and Beyond>  Jayne Pilling asked of inviting our films for the animation festival in London.  


Other than our school there were KASK of belgium, VGIK of Russia. CSC of Italy.

The KASK origines from the Belgium Royal school made in 1771. The school was nominated in the Ottwa Animation Festival Best School in 2001.

The Russian national film school is the oldest movie education institution which was made in 1919 by Vladimir Gardin. It is in Moscow and  Sergei Eisenstein, Vsevolod Pudovkin, Aleksey Batalov were as Professors.

The Italian National Flim school CSC was first established in 1935 Rome and in 2001 it began an animation course and it has an classic animation along with computer animation.


Our school ,which is reaching its 10th anniversary this year, selects students by two practical tests and a portfolio based on their narrative, directive and drawing skills.

And after adminstration there is the most important annual presentation where all students are to screen the animation they made for an year. This progress is done for four years and students are also able to make comic books as well. This is based on the belief that the best way to understand making animation is to participate in the making of an actual film. The 10th annual festival is held in Korean national university of Arts December 18th~23th.


By this presentation our animation major is expecting to expand more exchange programs and information with the schools from Europe and other places. The Fantoche Animation Festival webpage has our school's information on the SCHOOL menu.