Kim Sung Hee


Bitch! (2009)

Korean exellent female comic artist alredy.. but she try to study again in K'arts.. wanna be a new beggining point of her creativity of comic art and new style animation.

2004 Graduate from Korea university. college of Design

Cho Kook Inn


100 years ago..ani (2003)

Photo realism and animatics image combination is his main goal of film making.. his experimental attempt of image seeking is to be continue as a cosmopolitan..

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Byun Jung Ah


The small house story (2006)

Her animatics image combination is very unique and creative itself for making animation..her experimental attempt of animation image to be continue as a female animater..


Kim Do Hyung


Little Prince (2007)

Creative revival of 'a little prince'.. his unique interest to desert and old fashioned type spread all over the work..